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When I was first diagnosed with cancer in January 2011, many friends gave or suggested books about cancer for me to read. I ended up with a pile nearly two feet high. Although I enjoy reading, my mind was on other things and the last thing I wanted was to read all that information. What I really wanted was a summary of what books or web sites were out there, so I could read a short review and make an informed choice as to whether that was the information I was searching for. I was looking for books that gave good information about nutrition, diet, alternative therapies during cancer, not standard, main stream information about the conventional medicine approach.

Below are some of the things I found useful.


Web sites

Probably the best web site with the latest information (conventional and alternative). Not only does it publish the latest findings about hospital procedures, medication and trials, but also alternative therapies. Gives 'the other side of the story'. For example with mammograms, there is information about the negative side as well as their usefulness. It is worth signing up to their email newsletter.


A main stream site, mainly covering conventional medicine, but precise and very useful information. Excellent if you want to know the details of the procedures, symptoms, treatments etc. Also very good for resources to other forms of help eg living with breast cancer, early menopause etc.


YES TO LIFE is a charity that aims to promote an integrated approach to cancer care. Combining the best of complementary and alternative Medicine with standard care, to widen choice, extend care and improve results. Web site gives useful information about many different cancer treatments. Also directory of practitioners.


Medscans is the company I used for my digital thermal imaging, starting in September 2014. Website gives information about the actual scans, information shown and locations of clinics etc



There are many other Web sites with a vast amount of information, but the above were by far my favourites. I was wary of some of the American web sites due to their culture of paying for all the treatments and suing if things go wrong. Many sites give excessive information (usually conventional) sometimes over the top with side effect details. Likewise, reading cancer blogs (often from America) whilst can be useful and encouraging, they can be very scary for example reading of people undergoing their 4th or 5th cycle of chemotherapy or of the side effects of conventional treatment and medication. I did not find a good alternative medicine blog. Usually any mention of alternatives was shot down with a barrage of discouraging, even insulting replies - not helpful or what I wanted to read.





The Rainbow Diet
by Chris Woollams
ISBN 978-0-9565391-2-0

This book almost became my bible. Although I didn't follow the actual rainbow diet detailed in the book - I preferred an alkalising diet, the book gives a lot of information on supplements and foods etc. Why a particular supplement is useful, dosages etc. It also gives information about the different cancer diets / therapies that are available eg Gerson diet. Also what can help during chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc.
Some scientific information, but not overwhelming.


Salvestrols, Nature's Defence against Cancer
by Brian A. Schaefer
ISBN 978-1477554111

I only discovered this book and supplement after several months of alternative supplements, diet etc. If you only read one book, then read this one and decide for yourself. Book details the research that has gone into Salvestrols and how they are believed to work with cancer cells. To put it bluntly, the authors say salvestrols react with all cancer cells, producing metabolites that are anti cancer agents, which kill then cancer cells.


The Acid Alkaline Food Guide by
Dr Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr.


This is basically the diet I followed. Although it had slight variations from other information I found on the Internet. This book is a complete resource for people wanting to follow an acid / alkaline diet. Lists thousands of foods and their acid /alkaline effects. Also explains how the acid / alkaline environment in the body is influenced by foods and how the disease process beings when the balance is out of kilter.


Cancer: 50 Essential Things to do.
By Bernie S. Siegel MD


A very useful book for anyone facing a journey with cancer, whether under going conventional treatment or an alternative approach. Lots of practical and very useful suggestions. eg 'Ask your doctor these questions', 'Live "well"', 'Choose a daily affirmation', 'Minimize treatment side effects', 'Live this moment' and 'Make the most of your appointments'. Helps you to take a step back and view what's happening to you from a different perspective and to empower yourself.


Even Though I Have Cancer...
By Emma Roberts


Using the therapy of Emotional Freedom Technique, this book uses the process for self treatment to address many of the thoughts and emotions that crowd through your mind when faced with cancer. The book teaches the method of treatment - simple tapping in certain parts of the body and then gives numerous situations when it might be useful during cancer. EFP can be used by anyone, including those choosing conventional treatment. Often the emotional side is ignored by orthodox medicine, but this book and technique give you a simple method to help yourself.


Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds,
by Dr. Kelly A. Turner

I didn't read this book until after I had entered remission. I found it very reassuring that the topics covered we basically what I had done myself.

Dr. Turner, a researcher, lecturer, and counselor in integrative oncology, was shocked to discover that no one was studying episodes of radical (or unexpected) remission when people recover against all odds without the help of conventional medicine, or after conventional medicine had failed. In this book she discusses nine important factors that she discovered were important for a spontaneous remission from cancer even after conventional medicine has failed.



Disclaimer: This web site details my personal journey with cancer and the naturopathic programme I followed. It is for interest only and does not make any claims or suggestions about the treatment of cancer for other people. If you have any questions or concerns about your own health, cancer symptoms or treatment, please discuss them with your own GP or health care professionals.

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